10 things to consider when developing a recruitment website

10 more technical tips for a recruitment website design.

A good visual and functional website design with the right content is vital, but there are also some slightly more technical aspects to consider when developing a recruitment website design which will achieve your business goals and survive as internet speed and technology advances.

Fast page loading

A good design and development company will have high speed page loading in mind at all stages, the balance between graphics and text needs to be right for the eye and to digest but load fast enough to keep your visitor interested. Gone are the days of waiting for pages to load, an instantaneous service is expected.

Fast search and browse capability

Speed is also essential for job search and browse, which needs to be comprehensive and definable but user friendly and quick to retain interest. Strategies offer a fast search homepage option for first time visitors and those with limited time with an advanced search option for job hunters with a dedicated window.

Image quality and quantity

Images should be sized and optimised correctly, and again achieve the right balance between text and imagery. Poor image quality is an absolute disaster for a website, it looks shoddy and unprofessional when good stock images are readily available and photographers can be found at a good price.

Website precedence

We have talked a little about website precedence in our posts before, the design of your website should lead your visitors through a number of steps which make up their user-journey and lead them to the most important areas, if your goal is to attract candidates this should be the job search and browse sections.

Built with SEO in mind

Again any design and development company worth their salt builds with Search Engine Optimisation in mind. Content and meta data is optimised at every step. A good site map is essential and the structure of the site should be friendly for those search engine bots. As standard Strategies include URL rewriting, landing pages, Google XML sitemap generation and submission, search engine submission and analytics coding.

Simple back office functionality

Not only does job search and browse need to be easy but efficient for job hunters, the recruitment professionals who add and edit the job data need a system that’s user friendly and quickly learnable. Depending on the size of your business you will not have dedicated vacancy administrator and your consultants are expected to quickly complete their administration tasks to focus on the fee earning tasks of sales and matching.

Good statistical reporting

Although a back office system needs to be simple to use, it should create valuable reports based on vacancies posted, track searches, job views, and number of applications to effectively monitor your ROI.

Able to handle volume

No matter the size of your business to begin, a website should not be built as an interim step that will not cope as your business grows. Your website should have your growth and your aims in mind and be able to cope fluidly with large volumes of traffic as you grow.

Mobile and tablet compatible

With 1 in 5 job searches starting on a mobile, and candidates expecting to browse for new vacancies on the move and apply through their social media profiles mobile recruitment website compatibility is essential. Strategies offer what they believe is the market leading recruitment website application.
Suitable for all web browsers
Somewhat basic but still an essential item that can still be missed by amateur developers; a poorly displayed website can mean instant rejection for a recruitment agency.

Integrated social media

Job seekers not only expect to be able to apply with their profiles and find opportunities through social media, they use it to make decisions on which recruitment firm to partner with. Integrated social media is vital for sharing vacancies, improving credibility and exposure and now a must for the search engines.

A recruitment website designed and developed by Strategies takes into account all the points as standard. If you would like to know more about these features and more contact us today.