Corporate Career Sites – The Facts
A little while ago we did a blog piece on the benefits of having a career site.
Now we are going to give you some facts and figures to cover what you need to know about them.
Your career site is your shop window for potential employees. It can be your greatest candidate marketing tool and your biggest brand enhancer.
There are just over 38 million people working in the UK at present so how can you attract the top ones to come and work at your company.
The facts
79% of career site visitors will begin an application .
With this in mind it is essential the job application process be as simple as possible. Give your potential stars what they want, when they want it and how they want it.
72% of potential employees will visit a career site via a mobile device.
Staggeringly only 20% of career sites are mobile optimised .
Ensure your site is mobile friendly. Not only does this have great SEO benefits and is essential due to the Google update on the 21st April, it shows you care about the potential employees experience of your company right from the start.
75% of visitors will judge a company’s credibility on the website design.
The layout and design needs to be in keeping with your brand, the navigation needs to be clear and simple and the calls to action need to be clearly identifiable.
94% want to see current vacancies.
Have your latest vacancies on your home page. Make them a key feature. Allow potential employees to register for job alerts. Again this is about giving the visitor what they want, when they want it.
72% wish to see examples of company culture.
As I mentioned in my last blog your career site is one of the best places to highlight your brand and company culture. Make a potential employee want to work for your company.
20.3% of new hires are made directly through a company’s career site.
Only 1.2% of new hires are a result of job boards.
The figures speak for themselves so if you don’t have a career site or you want to speak to us about how we can help improve your current one give us a call.