How Technology has changed recruiting…

Recently reported in Recruitment Buzz and The Next Web are “5 ways technology has changed recruiting”. They kick off with a massive marketplace indication – that 77% of full time workers are either looking for a job or open to a change. That’s a huge figure and considering most of these will start their job search online, in a job board and reach a recruiters website it’s very important data to consider.

Recruiters, candidates and direct employers are all looking to lever the latest technology to fulfil their needs.

Here is a summary of the five points:


The Next Web give Glassdoor as an example here, where a candidate can find out what a company pays and how happy their workforce is – modern day peering through the door.

A bit of social media research quickly gives a “live” view of what’s happening in any firm too – good or bad, and often how they are dealing with it.

We are human again?

They also indicate that with more and more “social” recruitment, and everything online beginning to connect, no longer do you get a cold grey email but an interactive message with a profile image to engage you.

Despite Facebook being the less “professional” network Jobvite estimate 18 million found jobs via Facebook alone.

Real world skills

Often a CV is not the best reflection of skills and qualifications, employers and agencies are keen to see a portfolio, endorsements and relevant memberships as a better indicator of employability.

The resume is alive

But candidates still have to fill in forms on many sites to allow the technology to search and sift, even match candidates correctly to a vacancy.

Content marketing is key

We’ve said this before, building the correct representation of your brand via a good website and social media presence is essential. Career Builder found that 91% of candidates say an employers brand is a huge factor in whether they apply. The most successful companies push out good content on their platforms to engage and attract.

Here at Strategies we stay ahead of website, job board, and digital marketing techniques for recruitment websites, so whenever you get in touch, we will be here to help you maximise your online return.