I don’t need SEO for my new website – do I?

SEO, Search Engine Optimisation, it’s one of those things, like sand but no sea, sun but no sky, it’s nice enough but it’s not quite right…

Okay if you are one of the lucky website managers who is happy that 100% of the traffic required to your site is generated outside of search engines and it’s enough to sustain your business now and in the future – maybe you don’t.

Or if you are so niche that you are the only recruiter catering for your only job title and key phrase – “window cleaners in the Outer Hebrides” so anyone searching will only find you – right at the top of Google – because you have no competition – perfect – don’t read on…

Not so lucky? Neither are we, there is massive competition for most key words and key phrases inputting in to the search engine browsing masses daily, as well as huge variation in those words and phrases depending on your niche.

If you want to be on Page 1 of Google (let alone a top spot) when your candidates search for “project engineer jobs in London” or whatever jobs and locations you recruit for, you may need a little help.

After all – you have a shiny new website – if you’re not appearing in a reasonable position in the search engines you are restricting who will see and take advantage of your investment.

FACTS: Position 1 in Google for most terms get 33% of all search traffic. Positions 1-5 get 75% of all traffic. Leaving only 25% of all search traffic for the 1000’s more results which appear.
(SOURCE: Search Engine Watch)

You have a great website, a fantastic business – you need to shout about it. To get ahead of the competition and feature on the top pages and positions in the search engines a little work is required, a little SEO.

Now it’s not a dark art, despite what the news may suggest. What the search engines want is a good website build, with the right keywords in the right places, naturally, good copy, written naturally but cleverly to include keywords and phrases in the right amounts, fresh content via news and blog pages (keyword optimised) and good social media. A few good reviews and links back from reputable industry websites and there you are – ranking in the Search Engines. Of course it doesn’t happen overnight and it does have to be maintained and THERE IS a science behind it all.

There is much SEO you can do yourself or with the help of a Copywriter or Social Media Manager, but you may want to consider an SEO expert too. You will be pleased to hear Strategies have all three, just in case you need us.

To find out more please visit our website marketing page.