JobWeb User Guide: News Category Manager
The News Category Manager allows you to sort news items under specific categories, this means that you can easily group together similar articles and blog posts. Think of it like organising them into a folder. This allows you to easily find a specific post or type of post; depending on how many are assigned to a single category.
This guide demonstrates the use of the JobWeb news category manager and covers the following areas:
- Adding a News Category
- Filtering News categories
- News Category Editing Actions & Indicators
Adding News Categories
Adding a new news category via the JobWeb system can be achieved by firstly pressing the ‘ADD NEW’ button, this button is located below the filtering news category options form.
After pressing the ‘ADD NEW’ button, the user will be redirected to the news category add page. Here, the user will see a category input field add which should be filled in as appropriate
Once the user has input the new category name, the user can press ‘Save Now’ in order to make the new news category LIVE.
Filtering News Categories
When the filtering options have been filled in and submitted by clicking the search button. The table underneath the filter news category form will be populated with the relevant information based on the filtering options selected.
News Category Actions & Indicators
Below the filter banner results search area will contain a banner relating to the filter criteria. Next to each category you’ll see two buttons ‘EDIT’ and ‘DEL’. The following table explains what each does:
Please Be Aware
Strategies are not responsible directly for writing custom content, but we have created some handy blog posts which can help you create your own and point you in the right direction.
Access to JobWeb functionality requires administrative access, so please make sure you have this before using this How To guide.
Please also note that the images used in this User Guide may not be identical in terms of font and colour but should resemble your own website apart from this and should be recognisable.
More Information
We hope that this short How To has been able to help you in the management and handling of your recruitment website. For any further information or help, please make sure to contact Strategies by e-mailing: