Massive Monday & 2014 Marketing
January can be invigorating, a fresh start and a clean slate. A chance for businesses to work with new budgets and set new goals. For others it can be a bit gloomy, dealing with the post-Christmas bills, the wet and windy weather and facing another year in the same job or career.
Massive Monday
So it’s no surprise that the first Monday back after the Christmas holidays is one of the busiest for job hunters and recruitment agencies, and means that January overall is one of the best month’s to get some fantastic new candidates on board. Sadly “Massive Monday” is also “Miserable Monday” but maybe as a recruitment agency helping all those new applicants along you can spread some 2014 positivity.
Here are the statistics:
A poll by of 1500 British adults shows a whopping 42% will search for a new job in January. A further 13% will wait until they have received January’s pay making January 31st another popular day for job hunting.
41% will look whilst at work and over 60% spend more than two hours doing it.
Reasons for moving?
62% feel the New Year is the best time for a new start. The majority state money as the main reason for moving but 51% crave better job satisfaction and more than one in ten are just unhappy.
The same study gave a conservative 48% as feeling the internet was the best place to look for a new job with 22% still looking through the papers and one in ten utilising the referrals of family and friends.
2014 Marketing
With all these potential candidates using their spare (or not so spare!) moments at work to job hunt – are your digital marketing efforts picking them up and is your website responsive enough for them to quickly apply in their snatched moments at work?
Combined with the growing confidence in the UK market and the potential increase in job seekers for the UK with immigration rules relaxing for Romania and Bulgaria. Is your recruitment website up to the task of meeting an increase in vacancies and applicants and maximising the effectiveness of your advertising, application process and candidate care processes?
If it’s time to apply your new budget to a refresh or a brand new website for a new venture Strategies can advise on exactly what you need and ensure your new recruitment website is easily found, has a fast application process and great browsing and filtering capability combined with representing your USP’s to their best advantage by working with you to develop compelling content.
If you would like to discuss, contact Strategies today.