Membership Organisation Software

Trade Association Websites

At Strategies we have spent a number of years developing and refining our trade association and membership software – “MemberWeb”.

The product has been specifically designed to manage the needs of trade associations, special interest groups and general membership organisations. The MemberWeb product is delivered with a number of ‘core’ modules with additional ‘optional’ modules that can be added to the core system as per the client’s requirements.

The product has been design, programmed and fully-tested here in the UK by our team of in-house web application developers.

We have worked with a number of the UK’s largest trade associations for the last 20 years across key sectors including Aerospace, Motoring, Security, Defence and Space. These relationships and projects have provided us with a unique insight into how to best deliver functional websites for these types of membership organisations.

Memberweb is completely modular allowing organisations to pick and choose the elements of functionality that best suit their organisation and overall objectives.

Let's talk

The Approach

We deploy MemberWeb as a standalone, hosted system ready to be integrated into an existing OR new website. Many of our trade association and membership organisation clients choose to have us redesign their website in conjunction with a roll-out of MemberWeb. Our designers are expert in creating clean, modern and functional web designs for trade association and membership organisations.

As part of a new trade association and membership organisation website project we typically supply:

  • Website design
  • Website development and build
  • Full integration with ‘MemberWeb’ and your chosen modules
  • Data migration from your existing website or membership CRM package

Modular Design

MemberWeb’s modular design allows for the addition of functionality as a client’s needs grow. The core list of modules deliver the central ‘Member Lounge’ type functionality whilst the optional modules deliver varied and extended functionality to suit your needs. We will demonstrate and discuss each module with you allowing you to make an informed decision for your organisation before any project commences.

Core Modules:

  • Bespoke website design which is fully optimised for desktop, tablet and mobile viewing
  • Website content management system
  • Member company database with multiple locations
  • Users database
  • Powerful access control system allowing access based on membership type, company or specific user
  • Subscription module with online payment for use with membership subscriptions and to other sundry subscriptions such as marketing levies
  • Registration and approval system
  • User preferences for their dashboards, alerts and more

Optional Modules:

  • Members directory with extensive functionality including powerful free-text search, mapping technology and capability & market taxonomies
  • Industry events with ticket and product booking sales functionality including secure online credit card payment system and BACs payment facility
  • Press events diary
  • Industry news
  • Members news
  • Groups & committee database with secure access by permission to related group documentation and events
  • Document library with e-commerce functionality allowing members to buy both posted and online documentation and reports
  • Technical circulars document library
  • Business Opportunities / Market Intelligence module with automated alerts based on capability and market
  • Email bulletin system for events market intelligence modules based on user preferences
  • Reporting for email bulletin system for with ability to view total sent, total delivered, unique opens, unique clicks and unsubscribes
  • Room booking system
  • Configurable CMS modules for general membership information library and documentation
  • Public website blog

Project Management

Our team includes web project managers experienced in developing large and complex systems. All of our projects are delivered with the assistance of a comprehensive and functional HTML wireframe prototype of your final application. The wireframe enables you, your team and your investors to visualise and interact with your application from within your web browser before any development work starts.

Custom Development

Our web application developers have over 20 years experience designing and developing online applications. If your trade association or membership organisation has a specific requirement for a bespoke module just let us know. We can work with you to prototype and develop your new module and then bolt it into your new MemberWeb powered website.

Data Migration

Having worked in this arena for over 20 years we have a great deal of experience migrating company and user data from existing websites and membership CRMs. We have experience working with a number of different platforms, technologies and databases and will be able to devise a data migration plan that suits your needs and situation. The aim is to always be as efficient and complete as possible with the migration of company, user and access control data from your existing system.


MemberWeb is delivered as a fully-hosted, managed solution. We will build, deploy and then full host your website and membership lounge for you potentially lowering your own hardware and software maintenance costs.

Learn More
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