Mobile Mobile Mobile

We know we like to harp on about the benefits of mobile recruitment web apps and responsive recruitment websites, but it couldn’t be more important. The trusty old desktop, the secure, huggable laptop, well we won’t say they have had their day – not sure how many projects we would develop solely for tablets or smart phones but, you get the picture…

Smartphone, Tablet, iPhone, iPad – apart from your Gran (who probably does) who doesn’t have one?

Looking for a job? Do you choose?

a) To have a good old browse on your work PC
b) To have a sneaky five minutes on your phone in your break whilst your colleague’s think you are texting your other half?

Hard facts but true – job hunting is a mobile business.

Recruitment Buzz just recently shared a new infographic entitled the Rise of the Mobile Job Seeker, produced by Uniting Ambition and drawing on data from Glassdoor, Jobvite and comScore the key facts went like this:

  • 2.8 million job seekers in the UK are using a mobile or tablet to look for a job
  • 90% of job seekers use their mobile DAILY to find work
  • 67% of candidates START their search on a mobile device
  • 32% of PASSIVE candidates have applied for a job during a daily commute
  • Nearly 80% expect a mobile site and would likely go ELSEWHERE if they didn’t find one

In an industry as competitive as recruitment, the stats are compelling, if your recruitment website is responsive, or you have a mobile recruitment website, you have an advantage. If its not then please speak with us to find out how we can help you.