The indexing of tweets in Google searches
Recently a well publicised on – off digital partnership between Twitter and Google was announced to be firmly back on.
Twitter and Google have once again have joined forces and have announced that Google will allow real time updates in to their search results direct from twitter.
Early indications seem to suggest that tweets will be given a boost in the ranking making live content even more relevant in search results.
What does this mean for the recruitment industry? Well feeding out jobs to twitter could mean that when searches are made for that type of job, potentially recruiters could benefit from an extra boost in the search engines and see increased traffic and potential candidates.
The recruiters that could gain most are those that are a little more social media “savvy” and already know the inside tips that we revealed in our best practice blog last week.
At Strategies we believe in helping our clients to get the best out of the tools they have at their disposal, so we consulted our Head of SEO and he has helpfully come up with 10 insider tips for getting the most out of Twitter.
1. Set up a profile that looks professional and has personality – Could be a nice profile picture or a username that doesn’t have strange characters or digits.
2. Do something that makes your tweets stand out – If all of your competitors are only posting jobs then post something different. Or if their tweets are quite short make yours long.
3. Mention people that you want to either follow you or retweet you in your tweets. Example “Want to get more organised? Then check this article out (LINK) @author”
4. Ask for help. People like helping others, even if it’s just retweeting your tweet. Example – “Hi everyone, we need your help… what’s the best conference to go to this year? Please RT”
5. Helping others. Use sites like to find people that need your help on twitter. Answer their question, get attention, gain followers and re-tweets as well as getting yourself a reputation as a “go to” person for your industry
6. Listen to others and to influencers. If an influencer in your niche is talking about a certain subject go away and write about that then tweet to the influencer pointing them to your new article. Chances are they will retweet and promote it for you.
7. Be consistent with your interactions and relationship building. Don’t jump on an influencer straight away, be more subtle. Mention them a few times when it’s relevant, respond to questions and over time they will come to notice you and your content more and more.
8. Get involved with your wider industry, make connections and follow that up on twitter. Twitter doesn’t have to just exist in a bubble, twitter handles are real people too!
9. Use hashtags. It’s an oldie but a goodie. Don’t just make one up, you will get a much better response if you use one that other people are already using.
10. Focus on getting re-tweets from the people that influencers follow. This will mean that an influencer will see you pop up on their feed more often and as a result of other people that they already like and trust.
At Strategies we are passionate about recruitment technology and helping our clients get the most out of it.
If you’d like a friendly chat or even pop in for a cuppa give us a call today to discuss how we can help you get the most from your recruitment website/technology.