The Recruitment Industry in 2013 – Looking Good?

It’s no secret the recruitment industry is a maturing market, but that has its benefits, yes there is plenty of competition, and firms know what they want from their recruiters, and how to get the best price for it, but there is still plenty of opportunity for those firms who innovate, who develop and push new strategies for dominating the market, or those that find their niche.

An innovative strategy may focus on technology, new markets, improved processes, greater customer service, and more. It may involve a new website design, a mobile website, or taking advantage of social media. It may be using job boards more efficiently, or recharging an advertising campaign, the point is there a lot that can be done in what is a still highly lucrative marketplace.

Worth nearly £26 billion last year and expected to reach £27 billion next year, that’s more than before the recession, and definitely lucrative.

The UK economy is showing some positive signs to recruiters too this summer with:

  • Manufacturing at a two year high.
  • The Service sector growing at its fastest rate for two years.
  • The entire economy set to grow by 0.5% in the latter half of 2013.
  • The Construction industry growing for the second month running
  • Financial firms expected to up their hiring in the next few months
  • Business confidence at its highest since 2007.

Sources,, CBI,

With the number of jobs advertised increasing, the battle for available talent intensifies once again, not only do valuable clients need to be nurtured, candidates need a better recruitment agency experience as the competition for talent will come from traditional agencies and growing in house resourcing teams.

Efficient internal processes can assist with this, in additional to the advanced technology job hunters have come to expect. The more fluid and rewarding the process for them, the quicker and more conclusive, the more loyal a candidate they will become.

To support our clients in improving the overall candidate experience with our recruitment website design we offer:

  • Comprehensive job search functionality
  • Job wish lists, jobs by email and send me jobs like these features
  • Application history
  • Apply with LinkedIn
  • Full social media integration
  • Mobile recruitment websites